British Values
From early years, where children have a role in planning their own play, to Pupil Parliament elections, where children vote for their representatives using a real-life democratic process, children develop an early understanding of their right to have a say. They are actively encouraged through the Pupil Parliament to influence decisions in school. Children have experience of citizenship and the world of work. They apply for the posts of Head Boy/Head Girl in school or to become a member of our Pupil Parliament. Through NSPCC resources, in particular the PANTS program, children are supported in understanding the principles of healthy relationships and developmentally appropriate learning about their own bodies and that they have a say. Children are continuously taught about online safety and what to do if they come across something online which concerns them. Most importantly, children at Broadwood are taught that they have a voice.
Children are taught that with individual liberty comes responsibility. Children are taught to keep themselves safe in school, working with other agencies such as walk smart/bikeability, and take part in planned road safety program, visits to Safety Works (home and fire safety), close links with our community police who support school with community issues. Children learn that with the individual liberty they have how to make the right choices and keep themselves safe. This is reinforced in assemblies. Children know they have the right to be heard (our adult mentor system further reinforces this) and are confident to use this with trusted members of staff. Children are also taught they have responsibilities, in school and in the wider world - supporting initiatives such as Children in Need, Comic Relief, Fairtrade and Marie Curie. We have a strong e-safety policy which all parents sign and agree to, as well as all staff.
At Broadwood, we aim to raise the aspirations of our children, having links with Newcastle University (both in school and within our Trust). It is important to us that we provide opportunities for children that help them to widen their horizons or raise their aspirations. For example, we have strong links with Centre for Life, where children develop a further appreciation of Science and the importance of Science within our world. Every year, we host more able writers and mathematician where children are given opportunities to work with authors and other professionals. Children are taught through assemblies about individual liberty and that we live in a country where we have rights. Children know that they have the right to express themselves but are also taught that with freedom of speech comes responsibility. They know that certain types of language such as racist or homophobic language is unlawful and must be challenged.
Within school, children are aware of the school rules and understand that the school rules keep themselves and their peers safe. Learning walks and observations of day to day class teaching illustrate the good behaviour of children in lessons and their behaviour for learning. We have close relationships with the police. Year 5 children are part of the mini-police project and spend time supporting local police within our community. They are fully taught the responsibility that this carries and wear their uniforms with pride when involved in activities. Children are taught fundamentally about right and wrong and making good moral choices. They learn through a nurturing behaviour system which promotes boundaries with respect that they are responsible for their actions.
Many children wish to be role models and older children put themselves forward as Head Boy/Head Girl or to be members of our Pupil Parliament, recognising the importance of setting a good example. Our systems provides children with the responsibility of caring for other children and supporting each other during the school day. Our Playground Buddies help to support other children in the school, primarily at play time, working together to help each other. Children are keen to welcome visitors and make them feel welcome in school – this is evident from early years to all the way through to our oldest children. Children are also taught about mutual respect through their interactions with staff who act as role models, for example, holding doors open for children, which they readily reciprocate. Our approach to supporting children with behaviour links is with an understanding that it is okay to feel a range of emotions but that how we respond to these feelings can help to make our relationships with others better.
We strive to celebrate the diversity of the children in our school and of the world through themed assemblies (which also links with our RE curriculum) as well as whole school events. Planning for other faith celebrations (Diwali, Chinese New Year) is taken account of throughout the school year. Assemblies in general promote an acceptance of those with different faiths and beliefs and children are taught about ‘truth’ and ‘belief’ and encouraged to develop a critical understanding of the information that they receive so they can make informed judgements, particularly on subjects of a moral nature.
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